
How To Reduce The Risk Of Seborrheic Dermatitis Flare-Ups


Being diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis can seem quite unfair. No one knows exactly why some people develop this condition and others don't, so having it get in the way of your daily life by causing flaky, scaling, and painful skin blemishes on your face, scalp, or torso can make you feel miserable. While there's no cure for seborrheic dermatitis at this time, that doesn't mean that there isn't anything you can do about it.

16 July 2020

How Do Dermatologists Treat Skin Cancer?


Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. When it's detected early, patients have a good prognosis. Many types of skin cancer can be completely removed so patients can make a full recovery. In order to give yourself the best chance of surviving skin cancer, you'll need prompt treatment from a dermatologist. Here are three ways dermatologists treat skin cancer: 1. Diagnose skin cancer and precancer Skin cancer can affect the skin anywhere on your body.

4 June 2020

What To Expect When Booking A Virtual Dermatology Appointment


If you're having any kind of skin concerns or issues, scheduling an appointment with a dermatologist is your best bet. Dermatologists are doctors that specialize in skin and they can help you through a variety of issues that you may not be able to fix on your own. If you're thinking of booking a virtual dermatology appointment, it's a good idea. You don't always have to go to see a doctor in person.

9 April 2020

Dealing With Eczema? What You Can Do To Ease Your Skin


Eczema is a skin condition in which you have extremely dry, irritated skin. It is usually itchy (much like a rash) and may also appear red in color. Eczema can be anywhere on the body, although most people have it on their arms, cheeks, elbows, knees or even on the back of the neck. Anyone can get eczema, from babies up to adults. There is no cure for eczema, but there are things you can do to help treat your eczema.

25 March 2020

What Is Keratosis Pilaris and What Can You Do About It?


Keratosis pilaris is a follicular skin disorder in which the hair follicle is plugged up by a patch of dry skin. It leaves the skin with bumps that resemble tiny pimples. These are usually located on the back of the arms, but you may also find them on other parts of the body as well, including the cheeks, shoulders, back, thighs, or buttocks. These bumps may itch and feel a lot like dry skin.

19 March 2020

Post-Treatment Tips For Facial Laser Hair Removal


Laser hair removal is a safe and common removal method for unwanted facial hair. When performed by a professional, you can rest assured you'll get the lasting benefits you desire. Yet, it's still important to practice safe, post-treatment care steps to maximize the benefits of the treatment and to protect your skin. 1. Halt Other Hair Removal Treatments The skin on your face is particularly delicate, and while safe, your post-treatment skin is in somewhat of a fragile state.

19 March 2020

Getting Dermal Fillers? What to Now About Recovery


There is virtually no reason to go under the knife for cosmetic purposes unless you want to. With so many minimally and non-invasive treatments out there, surgeons can treat patients with a variety of cosmetic concerns including fine lines, wrinkles, loss of collagen in the skin, hyperpigmentation, and skin texture. If you are like most people and your biggest concern aging but you don't want to go through surgery, then you may be the perfect candidate for dermal fillers.

17 March 2020