How To Reduce The Risk Of Seborrheic Dermatitis Flare-Ups


Being diagnosed with seborrheic dermatitis can seem quite unfair. No one knows exactly why some people develop this condition and others don't, so having it get in the way of your daily life by causing flaky, scaling, and painful skin blemishes on your face, scalp, or torso can make you feel miserable. While there's no cure for seborrheic dermatitis at this time, that doesn't mean that there isn't anything you can do about it. By following these three tips, you can greatly reduce the severity of the seborrheic dermatitis flare-ups and breakouts that you have.

Clean Skin

One of the very best things you can do for yourself is to keep your skin extremely clean. Seborrheic dermatitis is a lot like an allergy to a specific type of yeast that's naturally found on the skin. It's produced in higher quantities when your skin produces sweat and oil, so this tends to irritate your skin after doing things like working out. In order to mitigate this, wash your skin as soon as possible if you break out into a sweat or your skin seems oily for the day.

To improve your results here, use a face wash that doesn't contain artificial colors or scents. The skin is more sensitive when it's having a seborrheic dermatitis breakout, so using these kinds of products can delay how long it takes to get back to normal.

Hydrocortisone Cream

At the first sign of a flare-up, consider reaching for a tube of hydrocortisone cream. This stuff can be bought at any major drugstore, where it's typically marketed as an anti-itch cream.

Hydrocortisone cream is effective because it prevents the allergic-like reaction that your skin undergoes when it has a flare-up. It's a type of steroid, which temporarily suppresses the body's immune response and reduces inflammation. However, make sure to never use this product near your eyes, as it can be potentially dangerous. Other common areas for flare-ups, however, like the hairline and nose, should be just fine.

Dermatologist Visit

Most importantly, you should visit with a dermatologist to develop a plan to help stop future breakouts and flare-ups. Dermatologists have a wide range of products available only via prescription that can help to keep your skin condition under control. They can also help you by taking a look at the skin products and makeup you use every day to determine if any of them are making your condition better or worse. By seeing a dermatologist, you can help to prevent this condition from spreading to other parts of your body, so it's well worth your time to get to the office on a regular basis.

To learn more, contact a resource like MOD Dermatology.


16 July 2020

Skin: It's What You're In

We are all covered in skin. It plays a number of roles in our body, helping to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It keeps our organs in place, and it even eliminates waste. But like any other organ, your skin can develop a number of health issues as time goes on. Maybe you develop acne, or perhaps you become affected by psoriasis or eczema. Dermatologists are there to help. This blog is all about doctors who specialize in dermatology, the work they do, and how they can help you get the skin you've always desired.