3 Reasons You Want To See A Dermatologist Soon


A dermatologist is a specialist. They are doctors whose specialty includes hair, nails, skin, and the conditions that can affect them. When it comes to your skin, you should recognize times when it is a good idea for you to see a dermatologist. Neglecting skin issues can cause them to worsen and become bothersome in a number of ways. Here, you can learn about three of the major reasons why certain skin problems should cause you to see a dermatologist:  

1: You can be left with visible skin issues

There are a lot of skin conditions that can result in you being left with visible scarring or other unsightly issues that can become permanent. 

Acne is one example of a skin condition that can leave you with scarring. The scars that acne can cause come in four categories. Atrophic scars are flat and shallow depressions. Ice-pick scars are deep and narrow scars. Boxcar scars have sharp and well-defined edges. Rolling scars are depressions that have sloping edges. The best way to avoid acne scarring is to see a dermatologist for your acne and work with them closely to get it under control. 

Stretch marks are another example of skin issues that can leave you with scarring. Many people accept the fact that they are going to be left with the stretch marks they have after losing weight or having a child. However, you want to know that a dermatologist can help to get rid of your stretch marks using things like laser treatments or medications. 

2: You can be very uncomfortable or even in pain

Depending on what skin issues you are dealing with, you can feel uncomfortable or even experience a good deal of pain. 

Psoriasis is a skin condition that can cause you to experience a good deal of pain. It can cause red and scaly skin that's swollen, hot, and painful. The dermatologist can prescribe medications or other treatments that can help you. 

Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease that causes itchy skin. The itchiness can cause your skin to become red, swollen, crusty, and cracked. This can also be painful, and the dermatologist can treat you with prescription creams or lotions that can really help. 

3: You can be contagious

Some skin conditions are contagious, and this means you can pass them on to other people. Those most at risk will be those you live with, as well as anyone who uses the same seat, equipment, or towels as you. 

Skin rashes can be highly contagious, and there are many types of rashes. Contagious skin rashes are caused by viruses, fungi, or bacteria. The dermatologist can treat you so you get rid of the rash and are no longer contagious. 

MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a staph infection that's highly contagious, and it can be dangerous to some people. It is resistant to many kinds of antibiotics, so the dermatologist will have to treat you with a specific type of antibiotic, so you can get rid of the symptoms and no longer pose a threat to others you are in close contact with.

Contact a dermatologist's office like Hamzavi Dermatology for more information. 


25 March 2022

Skin: It's What You're In

We are all covered in skin. It plays a number of roles in our body, helping to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It keeps our organs in place, and it even eliminates waste. But like any other organ, your skin can develop a number of health issues as time goes on. Maybe you develop acne, or perhaps you become affected by psoriasis or eczema. Dermatologists are there to help. This blog is all about doctors who specialize in dermatology, the work they do, and how they can help you get the skin you've always desired.