Seeing The Dermatologist About Your Psoriasis? Follow These Tips


If your primary care doctor thinks you may have psoriasis, they will probably refer you to a dermatologist for a more in-depth diagnosis and treatment. As medical experts who focus on the skin, dermatologists can provide the most up-to-date care, bringing you relief from the redness and patchiness of psoriasis. However, there are some tips you should follow when seeing a dermatologist about your condition.

Make a list of the products you use.

Certain ingredients in skincare and makeup products can irritate psoriasis skin and make the condition worse. Take the time to make a list of the products you use for your skin, and bring it with you to the dermatologist's office. They can tell you which products are safe to continue using and recommend replacements for those you should stop using.

Share all of your symptoms, even if they seem unrelated.

The most obvious effects of psoriasis are those seen on the skin. However, psoriasis can also cause other, less obvious symptoms such as joint pain, ridged nails, and an itchy scalp. Share all of these symptoms with your dermatologist. While your dermatologist may not directly treat non-skin-related symptoms like arthritis, they can make sure you are referred to the right specialist to help you with those issues. 

Be honest about treatments you've already tried.

Have you already tried any treatments or remedies for your psoriasis? Maybe you've been using a charcoal-based shampoo, or perhaps you've tried to treat the condition naturally with essential oils. Share any and all treatments you have tried with your dermatologist, and tell them what results you got. This can help inform them as to the severity of your psoriasis, and it can also help them decide which treatments to recommend for you.

Listen to and discuss the lifestyle advice you receive.

Usually when you see a dermatologist about psoriasis, they can prescribe you with a medication that suppresses the immune system. However, they may also make some lifestyle recommendations to help reduce the severity and frequency of your flare-ups. They may recommend, for example, that you stop smoking and drinking, protect your skin when you go out in the cold, and take steps to reduce your stress. Listen to this advice, and ask questions if you have them.

Psoriasis can be a bothersome condition, but dermatologists can help you manage and treat the condition. Follow the tips above during your appointment, and enjoy some relief. For more information, check out websites such as


6 October 2020

Skin: It's What You're In

We are all covered in skin. It plays a number of roles in our body, helping to keep us warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It keeps our organs in place, and it even eliminates waste. But like any other organ, your skin can develop a number of health issues as time goes on. Maybe you develop acne, or perhaps you become affected by psoriasis or eczema. Dermatologists are there to help. This blog is all about doctors who specialize in dermatology, the work they do, and how they can help you get the skin you've always desired.